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Shabbat Tisch & Havdallah in Minneapolis + Philly

For event info about March 1 tisch’s in Chicago and Providence, check out our community populated map!

Minneapolis, in collaboration with Ilu Finu
Doors at 5:45, event 6-7:30pm, New City Center, 3104 16th Ave S
Access info: ADA accessible building. This event is mask required, with the option to unmask while leading. Extra masks will be available on site. For other specific access request, let us know in the RSVP form below, or email access@letmypeoplesing,org.

Philly, in collaboration with Kol Tzedek
5:30-7pm, Kol Tzedek, in the Multi-Purpose Room (KT #2, 5300 Whitby Ave).
Access info: This event is mask required, with the option to unmask while leading. Extra masks and tests will be available on site. For full access notes, please click here.  For other specific access requests or questions, please email

Description: The word "tisch" is Yiddish for "table," and is an opportunity to gather together in immersive song. Throughout even the most difficult moments in history, Jews have been gathering around Shabbat tables to eat, bless, and sing with friends and family. Join Let My People Sing!, Ilu Finu and Kol Tzedek as we dive into communal singing with Zemirot for Shabbat and melodies in honor of Rosh Chodesh Adar (new moon of Adar)! This tisch is happening as part of the culmination of a 3-part virtual series offered by LMPS on Ashkenazi melodies for Zemirot, and we’ll be singing some of the melodies learned there. (Class participation not required to attend these tischs.)

Are you interested in organizing a tisch in your community on March 1st? Add details including time, location, access info and a sentence or two about yourself or the community that will be hosting to this community populated map! Or email Zemirot class participation recommended.

These events are free, and donations are welcome.